Your path to
high quality
route setting.

Our online school for route setting is the perfect place
to learn the fundamentals, master key skills and
 get qualified to prove your competence. 

Who we are

About Impact Route Setting

We are route setters and instructors, specialised
in giving you all the skills you need to become a professional route setter.

Flexible Courses

No matter what you're doing or where you are, our online courses allow you to learn at your own pace.

Learn from Experts

We've assembled experts to cover all parts of professional route setting. From national level comp setters to health and safety experts, we've got it covered.

Master Route Setting

Whether you're taking your first step in route setting, refreshing your skills or looking for a qualification to prove your competence, this course is for you.

Why Take Our Courses?

Build a safe and effective knowledge base

It's essential that everyones route setting journey starts with an in-depth understanding of the key skills. Our Essential Route Setting course allows you to guarantee that you and your staff are working to the highest safety standards and allows you to induct new route setters or strippers in a safe, efficient and professional way.

Manage a route setting team?

  • Guarantee consistent high standards across your team
  • Save on the time and cost of inducting new setters
  • Prove the competence of your team with our qualification

Route set yourself?

  • Gain a qualification to prove your competence to employers and insurers
  • Ensure you're up to date with industry standards and best practice

Ready to get started?

Learn with us
Write your awesome label here.

Our Courses



EP is proud to sponsor Impact  Route Setting Essentials. As we know that no wall can live without holds, and furthermore that no gym can be attractive without great setting, we really appreciate Impact's initiative to improve the knowledge of setters and to professionalise the industry.

Having created the first holds in 1983, EP have seen the evolution of holds and walls. Working hand in hand with the route setters allows us to offer new holds in line with new route trends, as well as new wall profiles, giving free reign to creativity!

We can't wait to see all you freshly qualified students become great route setters, bringing climbing to everyone with pleasure, professionalism and quality!

Click the button below to find out more about EP's history or to discover our products: holds, walls, mats, connected solution, services and more!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn route setting online?

A huge amount of the courses that we provide in person are based around demonstrations and discussions. This means that these transfer really well to being taught online and with the visual aids we have created with our video and narrated presentation formats we're able to give clear instruction and demonstrations of some really important topics. 

Do I need previous experience ?

There’s no need to have any prior knowledge for our courses, just make sure you're picking the right one for your own experience. No experience at all? Then start with the Essential course and go from there.

Will I get a qualification?

You will indeed! Our Essential Route Setting course will provide you with a certificate to show that you've completed the course and passed the integrated assessments, proving your knowledge. The certificate will be automatically provided when you finish the course, so no need to wait!

When can I start studying ?

You may enroll any day of the year. Be online and start studying within a matter of seconds after enrolling.
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