Accredited by the ABC 

Route Setting Essentials can now be used a pre-requisite for all RSD  Boulder, Rope and Mixed setting courses. 


Designed to be THE first step in your route setting journey.


Meet our Teachers...

Cailean Harker

Impact Founder and Instructor

Cailean Harker is an experienced setter having worked in many different roles in the route setting industry over the last 15 years. Initially working as a member of an in-house setting team, he then progressed to become a leading freelance route setter, working both commercially and for many national level events including the British Bouldering Championships, before becoming the route setting manager for a number of different state of the art climbing centres. Alongside this Cailean has jointly developed Impact Route Setting’s course offerings having trained many hundreds of students as well as launching Impact’s Outsourced Route setting offering.

Ben Norman

Impact Founder and Instructor

Ben Norman is a Route Setter with over 10 years of professional experience, having worked as Head Route Setter at some of the UK's best climbing walls, as well as working as freelance route setter commercially and for events up to a national standard. Ben has spent the last few years developing route setter training through Impact and has now taught 300+ people in workshops from the UK and the rest of the world.

Ben Humphris

 Technical Advisor and Instructor

20 years ago Ben Humphris took his first steps in route setting at his local wall in the Peak District, Derbyshire.  Now a Level 3 qualified Rope Access Technician and Mountaineering Instructor, Ben is a Senior Trainer for the Association of British Climbing walls Route Setting Development Programme.  As a Tech IOSH holder Ben combines Health and Safety expertise and acts as a Technical advisor for Impact and a number of climbing facilities in the UK.       


When you build a company with the mission of empowering others, success comes in handy! Since EP's inception, they have always stayed true to their motto - "brings climbing to everyone". In the last 35 years, EP have empowered climbers in more than 30 countries by providing cutting-edge climbing infrastructure, that are tailor-made by expert designers & engineers and manufactured in state-of-the-art manufacturing units with the highest precision and finishing.

EP is proud to sponsor Impact Route Setting Essentials. As we know that no wall can live without holds, and furthermore that no gym can be attractive without great setting, we really appreciate Impact's initiative to improve the knowledge of setters and to professionalise the industry.
Having created the first holds in 1983, EP have seen the evolution of holds and walls. Working hand in hand with the route setters allows us to offer new holds in line with new route trends, as well as new wall profiles, giving free reign to creativity!
We can't wait to see all you freshly qualified students become great route setters, bringing climbing to everyone with pleasure, professionalism and quality!
Click the button below to find out more about EP's history or to discover our products: holds, walls, mats, connected solution, services and more!
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